Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Little Catching up...and back to Reality.

In 1985, "Me and My Girl" won the Olivier award in London for Musical of the Year and for Robert Lindsay; Best Actor in a Musical.  Both Alun Armstrong and Colm Wilkinson were nominated as actors in a musical, as well as Patti Lupone, best Actress in a Musical for "The Cradle Will Rock" and for "Les Mis".  It's fascinating to read the reviews from that time and the critics response to the show: "over wrought Victorian melodrama", There seemed to be a gap in expectations.  Critics were led to believe that they were going to see a serious historical drama, and instead they got a lot of singing and "lovey-dovey".  Critics were also doubtful of the wisdom in trying to reduce Victor Hugo's literary masterpiece to a 3 hour musical.

One recent review of the 25th Anniversary show caught my eye: "(sic....Put together...)Matt Kinley’s set pieces, all ugly browns and dusty grays; Paule Constable’s brilliant, almost soul-piercing lighting; and Andreane Neofitou’s raggedy costumes. They combine to create an aesthetic unique to musical theater: street-dirty but, barely visible through the cracks, pulsing with the light of God."  Ahhhh...that sounds about right! (from Jason Kehe, Senior Arts Writer USC).

I watched the 10th anniversary concert version last night, and was struck by how un-embellished the show was back then--especially compared to the 25th Anniversary tour, with it's pyrotechnics and dazzling scenic technology.  One of the reasons I looked back at the Olivier awards from 1985 was to see what other theatre was being seen, and what it was like.  Was it fluffy?  Serious?  Dance-y?  I know audiences ended up flocking to see Les Mis, and wondered what was it's competitor.

It also makes me wonder again about where the power of this show comes from....yes, the production elements are powerful and evocative--whether the turntable from 1985 or the projected images from 2012, but even watching the concert version from 1985, and hearing the singers simply sing:  Still breathtaking. 

Vacation ends tomorrow, and we will be heading back to the frozen north.  We are sore from golf, tennis, and daily workouts at the gym; captivated by the FST Cabaret production we saw in Sarasota, completely enamored of the sun and many local beaches, 10 pounds heavier than when we first arrived from the excellent meals of grouper and steak; and overdosed on fruity adult beverages with umbrellas!  The action will begin as soon as we get home with meetings, blocking work and kick-off coming at us like a train!  I can't say that vacation has cleared my head--if anything, it's made my list of things to do longer and more involved than when I first got here.  Honestly, the ride home will give me many hours of time to work... many, many 24 hours total!

To the Barricades!

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